Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The Proverbial Cracker Jack, How to get out of the box and become the Prize: A Review

I have read this book more than once. It is a must read if you wish to be inspired to live life to the fullest and, as its author Dr. Dale Henry puts it, “Become the Prize.”

Every chapter in this book is based on a verse from the Bible book of Proverbs.

Dr Henry has chosen to approach the book of Proverbs by thinking about a box of Cracker Jacks popcorn.
He recalls how as a child, you opened your box of candy coated popcorn and peanuts and really looked for the prize.

He says:

Sometimes you’re going to meet people who are not only puffed up, but candy coated. They’ll tell you how important you are, too. And if you’re not careful, you’ll believe them. And everybody knows that all organizations have at least a couple of nuts. They’re there.

But in every organization, even if there are only two people there, there’s also a prize. There’s a person who day in and day out takes care of the organization’s needs. They’re helpful. You might say that their lives are a proverb. Their very existence shows us the way.
Dr. Henry stresses that one should never say; “It’s not my job.” He tells some very interesting stories of things that happened to him when he helped someone with a need even though he was in one case mistaken for a bell-boy at a motel. You need to read the story to see what happened!

Dr Henry also stresses that we should never leave something undone that later we would have to say, “I wish I had…”.
The book is full of stories-many of them will make you laugh. Laughing is good for you so if for no other reason, read this book for the laughs.

A couple more points to ponder: “The customer is always served.” “The difference between success and failure isn’t always ability. Sometimes it’s a little thing like attitude, the way we look at the world around us.”
To learn more about this exciting book and to order on line click here.

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