Thursday, September 13, 2018

There Is An Answer: A Review

Author Alejandro Bullon addresses a number of key questions people have in this 12-chapter book, each chapter addressing a specific question. I found his writing very clear.

Here are the chapters:
Our Greatest Need

Is It Possible to Believe in God?
Where Do We Come from, and Where Are We Going?

Why Pain, Suffering, and Death?
Can God Change My Life?

Is It Possible to Be Happy?
Living Longer and Better

Is It Necessary to Have a Family?
What Happens after Death?

Will a New World Order Be Established?
When Will the End of the World Come?

Will There Be a New Earth?
I especially enjoyed the chapter Where Do We Come from and Where Are We Going? Dr. Bullon gives an overview of several theories that have been held through the ages on where we came from and then talks about the Biblical creation story. While he asks, “Can what the Bible says be proven in a laboratory?” he answers, “No because the Bible is not a book about science, it does not make such a claim,” adding “the Bible is a book of faith with instructional language” whose objective “is to show spiritual principles that link human beings to their Creator.” What the Bible says, he concludes, “is a matter to be decided, trusted, or doubted, to believe or disbelieve.”

Dr. Bullon says there are many  things we as human beings believe without analyzing them in a laboratory to show that is part of the human condition to have to take many things on faith and evidence.
I especially enjoyed some to the amazing facts about the Universe that Dr Bullon talks about, which to the thinking person would make it seem totally necessary that there be a master mind to have created this immense universe.

1000 planets the size of this earth would fit within Jupiter. 1.2 million planets like Jupiter would fit within the sun with additional room for more than 4 million moons. The immensity of creation shows how great our God is.
I recommend this book and for  more information about the book and information for ordering it please click here.

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