Friday, September 28, 2018

The half-Stitched Amish Book Club: A Review

Lives are Transformed…One Stitch at a Time

Amish widow Emma Yoder decides to hold quilting classes in her home as a means of becoming self-sufficient. So she advertises in the newspaper for a quilting class and a very interesting combination of people show up for the class.

There’s Star Stephens, a young woman yearning for stability; Pam and Stuart Johnston, a struggling couple at odds in their marriage; Paul Ramirez, a widowed father hoping to find solace in finishing a quilt; Jan Sweet, a rough and tough biker looking for something creative to do; and Ruby Lee Williams a preacher’s wife seeking relaxation amid mounting parish problems.

Emma finds that she is able to not only teach quilting but also to help their fragmented lives to find the help they need from the healing hand of God.
It is a good read and the story shows how God can even use a quilting club to reach people and help them work through the problems in their lives.

If you are not able to locate this book at your book store you can order it from Amazon.
I recommend it highly.

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