Friday, September 28, 2018

Live More Happy: A Review

This brand new book by Dr. Darren Morton contains scientifically proven ways to lift your mood and your life.  Dr. Morton uses the acronym S M I L E R S
Speak Positively

Move Dynamically

Immerse in an uplifting physical and social environment

Look to the Positive

Eat Nutritiously

Rest Well: Sleep/Stress Less


The author talks about the area of the brain that has been referred to as “Limbo,” which the author goes on to explain how that part of our brain can help us to be happier or otherwise.
Our Limbo is the part of our brain that determines how we feel—scientists even refer to it as the “emotional brain.” Put simply, it is our “home of happy,” if we stimulate it in the right way. This is what this book is dedicated to doing-helping us discover  how to stimulate our Limbo in the right way, so we can feel better and “happier” more often—more “up” and less “down”! And there are some really good reasons why we should do this.
Essentially, optimists have a tendency to bombard their Limbo with uplifting words, while pessimists flood theirs with doom and gloom.
Speaking positively to others benefits both them and us.
Of all the means procured by wisdom to ensure happiness throughout the whole of life, by far the most important is the acquisition of friends.
Some people bring happiness wherever they go; others bring happiness whenever they go.
The combined results of more than 100 studies show that strong social relationships are as important to a long life as not smoking.
Expressing gratitude is now known to have many benefits, both mental and physical.
The excitement of looking forward to something can be all it takes to pick us up when we are feeling down.
Dr. Morton says we need Sabbath rest on every seventh day. Studies have shown that just any day of rest does not give the health benefits as resting on the 7th day does.
This is one of the finest books I have ever read and I highly recommend it. Check with your book store for a copy of this book or click here for  information on ordering it.

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