Sunday, May 12, 2019

An Attitude of Excellence: A Review

Dr. Willie Jolley, a good friend of mine is the author of this wonderful book.

Willie Jolley is a Hall of Fame speaker and he is the bestselling author of A Setback IS a Setup for a Comeback.

Here are a few statements from this book which will give you a feel for what you can get from this book:

You do have the power to make yourself into a winner. Success isn’t a matter of chance-It’s a matter of choice. It all comes down to your attitude and a mindset to pursue excellence.

When you make the conscious choice to develop an attitude of excellence, you will achieve more, enjoy more, have better relationships, take better care of yourself physically and mentally, and vastly improve the quality of your day to day life.

Steve Jobs said something that continues to inspire me and push me to keep raising up my pursuit of excellence. He said: “Make the commitment to be a yardstick of quality! Some people are not used to an environment where excellence is expected! You be that example.”

It is always best to dig your well before you are thirsty.

Scripture teaches us that transformation always starts with thinking. “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind…” (Romans 12:2). Scripture also teaches us to be diligent in what we do within our work. “A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich.” (Proverbs 10:4).

Being excellent always starts with our thinking. We need to think big and to be diligent in our actions.

Accentuate the Positive, Eliminate the Negative.

Statistics show that the great home-run hitters in baseball usually strike out more than they succeed; yet they keep swinging for the fence. Hank Aaron had twice as many strikeouts as he had home runs. But every time he stepped up to the plate he gave it his all. Sometimes he missed, but when he hit it, he knocked it way out of the park. When you get your chance to do what you do, make a commitment to give it your best shot. Sometimes you will miss, but when you hit it, you will knock it out of the park!

I really was inspired by reading this book. You can click here to watch a short Youtube of Willie talking about this book. I really hope that you will stop at your bookstore and get a copy and then read it!

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