Sunday, May 12, 2019

My Favorite Miracle Stories: A Review

This is the second in Joe Wheeler’s “My Favorite Stories” series

In the introduction Joe asks the question, “Is there a difference between miracle stories and coincidence stories?”  Joe’s answer is “Well, there certainly ought to be a difference. However, deciding which is which for a story anthologist such as me, can sometimes be more than a little difficult.”

After struggling with the question of how to differentiate between a true miracle story and a mere coincidence story here is Joe’s conclusion:

If there is no clear indication of divine intervention or involvement in a given story, I see no valid reason to consider it spiritually miraculous.

This book is packed with amazing stories:  One of my favorite stories is entitled, “God’s Got Your Number.” It’s a story of a pastor who was feeling a bit down as he and his family were traveling by car far from home. He thought, “God even a preacher needs for You to let him know once in a while that You are aware of him.”

The family had stopped for a bite to eat, but he was not hungry so he got out of the car and took a little walk. Then he heard a phone ring in the phone booth. Not seeing anyone around he decided to answer it. The telephone operator said “Long –distance for Ken Gaub”(Ken Gaub was his name) It was a long distance call specifically for him. Turns out the caller badly needed to talk to a pastor and God gave her the phone number to reach him at this phone number. The pastor was able to help her with some good spiritual counsel and he was helped because obviously God knew just where he was.

This book was a blessing to me. You can click here for more information about this book and to read the first chapter on line. I recommend that you visit your local book store or order on line and get a copy of this encouraging book.

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