Sunday, May 19, 2019

The Ultimate Game-Life Lessons From Sports-A Review

Since 2010, David Robinson, a former coach and athletic director, has written The Sports Zone, a monthly column in Guide magazine. One of David’s primary goals is to bridge the gap between sports and spirituality. Passionate about helping young people, especially those who love sports, he breaks down Bible truths into digestible sports concepts. While his target audience is readers ages 10-14, David’s desire is that all of his readers will be filled with the Holy Spirit and share what they have learned. Stay in touch with David at or visit his blog at

This new book, The Ultimate Game-Life Lessons From Sports is the best of the best of David’s articles in The Sports Zone from Guide magazine. I am really impressed with how he is able draw so many Life Lessons from Sports stories.

Randy Fishell wrote the preface for this book. Here are some choice things he says:

David knows sports, both as a player and a coach. But to him, any sports field is also a field for sharing the love of God. A stadium or an arena is a place for him to coach kids and others in critical spiritual and life skills.

In sports, David’s abilities set him apart from the wannabes. As a writer, he has an uncommon gift for drawing life-changing lessons from stories of remarkable athletes, memorable games, iconic coaches, and more. Most important, when it comes to pointing readers to Jesus, David consistently scores in the triple digits.

If your life revolves around celebrating base hits and hat tricks, you’re going to love this book. And even if you aren’t athletic and don’t have any interest who is likely to win the next Super Bowl, you’ll still find yourself sticking with these inspiring stories. After all, who doesn’t want to be a winner!

You can read the first chapter of this fine book on line by clicking here. I believe you will enjoy the whole book too.

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