Sunday, May 19, 2019

Ellen White's Afterlife-Delightful Fictions, Troubling Facts, Enlightening Research- A Review

George R. Knight is the author of this interesting book. George Knight is an author and speaker whose books I have enjoyed reading through the years, so I was pleased to get a hold of this hot off the press new book by him.

This could be considered a companion book to Michael Campbell’s book 1919 since it does have a major section dealing with the Seventh-day Adventist 1919 Bible Conference.

Knight talks about the wonderful world of Ellen White where he is referring to how many Adventists considered Ellen White as the last word on everything that she wrote, such as various historical facts and the chronological order of events in Christ’s life. As he says Ellen White and her most enlightened contemporaries did not consider Ellen White as the final word on such issues.

In summary, the early 1960s was a wonderful time to be Ellen White. She was not only authoritative for exegesis and theology but also inerrant, infallible, 100 years ahead of her time, of a flawless character, and for many, verbally inspired. And to top it off, everything she wrote came straight from heaven through divine revelation.

The most remarkable thing about those early 1960s perspectives related to Ellen White is that she herself did not believe them nor agree with them. And neither did most of those of her contemporaries who worked closest with her.

I believe reading this book can help us use the wonderful writings of Ellen White in a way that is much more helpful than many have used her writings in the past.

I would encourage you to click here and read on line the first chapter of Ellen White’s Afterlife

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