Thursday, June 27, 2019

Journey to the Heart of God: A Review

S. Joseph Kidder the author of Journey to the Heart of God, covers the following:

Journey to the Heart of God:

                Through Seeking and Experiencing His Presence

                Through Worship

                Through Prayer

                Through Feeding on His Word

                Through Outrageous Forgiveness

                Through Christian Fellowship

                Through Fasting

                Through Giving

                Through Touching Lives

Kidder relates that recently when former president Barak Obama came to Chicago for a fundraiser, tickets for the dinner were more than $50,000.00 each. If you wanted to also have your picture taken with him the cost $250,000.00 each.

Kidder says, “Thankfully, I don’t have that problem when I want to spend time with God. He invites me to come into His presence for free. Being in God’s presence provides me with a banquet of blessings. He remembers our time together, and He not only knows my name but also the number of hairs on my head (Matthew 10:30). Every detail of my Life is important to God.”

In the section on Outrageous Forgiveness, Kidder tells the story of the king whose servant owed him “ten thousand talents of gold.” The king forgave him but then he would not forgive his fellow servant who owed him “a hundred silver coins.” The king took back the forgiveness of the “ten thousand talents of gold.” See Matthew 18:23-35. As Jesus said in the Lord’s Prayer: “Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.” Ten thousand talents of gold is equivalent to 150,000 years’ wages. That’s an amount obviously the servant could never pay back.

In the section on Giving, Kidder tells the story of a member  of a church that Kidder pastored who came to him and said, “I don’t see how I can give ten percent of my income to the church when I can’t even  keep on top of my bills.” Kidder asked him, “If I  promise to make up  the difference in your bills if you should fall short, do you think you could try tithing for just one month.” The member thought about it and responded, “Sure if you make up any shortage, I guess I could try tithing for one month.”

Kidder responded “You say you’d be willing to put your trust in a mere man like yourself, who possesses little materially, but you couldn’t trust your heavenly Father, who owns the whole universe.” The member got the point and decided to take God at His word and began paying a faithful tithe.

Within two years he was out of debt.

I believe you would be blessed as I was by reading this book; for starters, please click here and you will be able to read the first chapter of this book on line for free.

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