Friday, September 6, 2019

Have You Ever Been Lost: A Review

Chris Holland, author of this recent title, is speaker/director for It Is Written Canada. He has been a pastor and teacher of Bible Prophecy for many years. He is known for his clear presentations of God’s Word, and his greatest joy is to see lives transformed by the living power of Jesus Christ

The message of this book is based on three parables that Jesus told which are recorded in Luke 15. The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin and The Prodigal Son The last chapter of this book is entitled Three Strikes but Not Out.

The three parables are about the truth that Jesus desires to find us and bring us back to himself. As a Shepherd goes to seek his one lost sheep so Jesus is searching for each one of his children who is lost. The sheep knew he was lost but did not know how to get back home.  The coin is lost and illustrates the one who does not know they are lost but Jesus still can find even those who do not know that they are lost. The Prodigal son knew that he was lost, and he could make the decision to turn back toward home. Yet truly it was the love of the father that brought him home and restored him to being a member of the family.

The final chapter-Three Strikes but Not Out, uses the story of the disciple Peter who denied Jesus three times yet still Jesus accepted him back as one of his disciples.

You may have been away from Jesus and not known it; you might belong to a church but feel lost; you might have intentionally walked away; or you might have even denied Him. The promise of Jesus is that He will take you back. Though you’ve been lost, He will restore you. All of heaven will have a celebration when Jesus ultimately brings us home to be with Him and we are forever safe. The Father will be waiting with open arms.

You can read the first chapter of this book for free on line, click here.

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