Friday, September 6, 2019

The Sonship of Christ: A Review

Ty Gibson, author of this new book The Sonship of Christ has down a masterful job of helping explain in what sense Christ is the Son of God.

Ty Gibson says we need to take the Bible from beginning to end and learn about the Covenant that God made with his people and realize that the term Son as applied to Christ is a Covenantal term referring to the Covenant that is told through out the Bible.

Christ was the one who fulfilled the Covenant that God had from the very beginning to bring people back to a relationship with Him

Covenant, in a nutshell, is omnidirectional love; love between God and humans. love between humans and humans, and love between humans and the creation over which they have charge.

A covenant was made, to which God was faithful and Israel was not. As the Son of God, the life of Jesus was a complete and faithful reenactment of Israel’s history. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this is the whole point of the Bible.

In becoming the Son of God, God bent reality itself, His reality, to meet us in our need. God did this for you. for me. He became what He was not so that we could become all we’re meant to be. This is the story of the Bible, and it’s nothing short of the best story imaginable, because it’s a covenant story… and that means it’s a love story.

I recommend this book- As a starter click here and you can read the first chapter for free on line.

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