Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Paul Harvey's America: A Review

I read this book this month and am inspired by this story of Paul Harvey and the America he so loved very much.

The first chapter tells how Paul Harvey was born September 4, 1918 in Tulsa Oklahoma and when he was 3 years old his father, a police officer, was shot and died. Paul Harvey grew up without any clear memories of his father.

A very special teacher in high school recognized his talents for speaking and writing and took him down to the radio station and introduced him to the manager and stated, “This young man ought to be on the radio.”  Paul recalled later that she wasn’t prepared to accept no for an answer and Paul got his first radio job that day. It was unpaid apprentice work but he was thrilled to be working at the radio station.

In this book you will read about Paul meeting his wife to be “Angel” and he proposed on that first date.  She did not accept the proposal for about one year. But they got married and were a team.

Paul had a unique way of presenting the news and soon became a popular newsman.

He was still popular when in his 80’s he signed a ten year contract for $100 million dollars with ABC radio network. The same network he had been with for 50 years! (He believed in loyalty.)

Here are a few of Paul Harvey’s Maxims:

Love what you do, or do something else

Never feel resentment for those who have more than you. Remember we live in a wonderful land in which any man willing to stay on his toes can reach for the stars.

It is important to build an intellectual base for your goals. In this regard, formal education is fine, but self-education is vital.

You never accomplish anything by talking over the heads of others.

We can live longer if we behave ourselves—if we just practice self-discipline. Most of what ails us is self-inflicted.

Read this story and be inspired. Click here for more information and to order copies at a special price from

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