Sunday, February 4, 2018

Always Fall Forward: A Review

Always Fall Forward-Life Lessons I’ll never forget from the “Coach” by Todd Gerelds, who is also the author of Woodlawn  is one of the most inspiring books I have read recently.

Todd Gerelds’ Dad, Tandy Gerelds, was “the Coach” and over the years Todd has begun to realize that his lessons from football apply both on and off the field.
With each passing year, he treasures these life lessons even more; lessons which include the following:

You don’t have to be the best; you just need to be your best.
Avoid negative plays.

Keep your feet moving.
Don’t be defined by your losses or your wins.

Make your mistakes at full speed.
Every day is a good day; some are just better that others.

In the foreword, Rick Burgess says “Football is a great game, but it’s a lousy god…It’s true that anything we love more, serve more, fear more, or value more than God almighty is an idol. However this game can really teach us some life lessons that are of great value.”
He also says he “loves this devotional that Todd has put together because it uses football to teach biblical and life truths that are much more important than the sport itself.”

Tandy Gerelds became head football coach at Woodlawn high school in Alabama in 1971 at a time when the federal government made the decision to begin busing African American students from all-black high schools to predominantly white high schools in inner-city Birmingham, Alabama.
Also, about this time, Gerelds was converted and became a Christian.

One should read Todd Gerelds’ book Woodlawn and watch the movie by the same name to understand more of what was happening at this time racially and also Tandy’s conversion.
This devotional Always Fall Forward, is an inspiring read and will especially be appreciated by those who like football. However, one does not need to be a fan of football to appreciate the concepts written in this book.

Check with your local book store or online at for more information and to purchase the book. When you go to  type in the title of the book Always Fall Forward  on the search bar and then click on details and you will be able to read more about the book as well as order it.

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