Sunday, February 4, 2018

Breaking Cover: My Secret Life in the CIA and What It Taught Me about What’s Worth Fighting For: A Review

Breaking cover –My Secret Life in the CIA and What It Taught Me about What’s Worth Fighting For by Michele Rigby Assaid is her explosive tell all memoir of her life as a counterterrorism expert for the CIA.
From leading secret undercover missions in some of the world’s most dangerous places to winning success in a male-dominated industry, Michele shows how ordinary people can do extraordinary things-even in the unlikeliest circumstances.

Michelle is a Christian and felt called to work with the CIA who she worked with for 10 years.

Michele Rigby Assad’s Breaking Cover is an absolutely amazing read! It will grab your attention on every single page (it sure grabbed mine) as you follow Michele’s remarkable journey as a spy for the CIA. Even as someone who spent three years undercover for the FBI at a Fortune 500 company during the investigation of the largest white-collar crime case in US history, I was amazed at Michele’s courage and perseverance as she fought terrorism in the most dangerous part of the world, the Middle East. I was especially touched by her story and I have no doubt it would inspire anyone who reads or knows about it. Indeed, there’s no doubt Michele Rigby Assad is a modern-day hero!  Her book will inspire you to do more for your community, your country, and your society, and to live a life of significance.

Mark Whitacre, PhD, Subject of the Warner Brothers movie  The Informant! Starring Matt Damon as Mark Whitaker
It is such an amazing story from her training, to her covert activities in terrorist countries, to when she and her husband retired from the CIA their work and later on leading in a rescue mission to relocate internally displaced Iraqis to Slovakia.

Michele writes, “Serving God isn’t easy. It is gut-wrenching, difficult work. It is not for the faint of heart. But if you listen for his voice, are open to his leading, and obey His will, you will experience adventures beyond your wildest imagination and climb mountains you never dreamed possible.”
She concludes that “God had a grand design in mind when He created me, and He has a grand design for you as well. It’s not always easy to see. But it’s always there,” adding, “my prayer moving forward- for me and for you- is that we might have the patience, the endurance, and the faith to allow Him to weave the disparate pieces of our lives together in the service of His grand design.”

I would encourage you to get a copy of this book and read it. Check with your local book store or to order on line go to Type in Breaking Cover on the search bar and when that opens click on details.

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