Friday, February 9, 2018

Quiet Strength-The Faith, the Hope, and the Heart of a Woman Who Changed a Nation: A Review

Rosa Parks author and subject of Quiet Strength is recognized as the “mother of the modern-day civil rights movement.”
On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks refused to move to the back of a city bus in Montgomery, Alabama. She was not trying to start a movement. She was simply tired of social injustice and did not think a woman should be forced to stand so that a man could sit down. Yet her simple act of courage set in motion a chain of events that changed forever the landscape of American race relations.

In Quiet Strength, written and published to commemorate the 40th year Anniversary of that event, Mrs. Parks speaks to us about her life, her passion for freedom and equality; and her strong faith. Quiet Strength celebrates the principles and convictions that guided Mrs. Parks through a remarkable life. It is a printed legacy-her lasting message to a world still struggling to live in harmony.
Mrs. Parks has helped make this country a kinder place for people of all races, but as she so eloquently reminds us, there is still much to be done. Quiet Strength gives us the motivation to carry on her legacy.

In March of 1995 I was Book Department Manager of the Potomac Adventist Book Store in Takoma Park, MD. One day I got a call from a representative of the Zondervan Publishing company during which I was asked if we would be interested to have Rosa Parks visit our store and meet our customers as part of the promotion for the new book just being released then; this very book I am reviewing here Quiet Strength. I without hesitation said “Yes!”
After a number of phone calls and working out the arrangements we were able to schedule Rosa Parks to be at the store Friday afternoon, April 28, 1995. I had earlier been informed that she would not be able to sign books for our customers—at that that time she was 82 years old, however she would meet our customers and people could have their picture taken with her.

We then arranged to have an interview about the event at a local radio station WGTS FM during which Gerry Fuller interviewed Johnny Johnson former Assistant Secretary of the  United States Navy about Rosa Parks and the opportunity to meet “someone from history” at Potomac Adventist Book Store, meaning Rosa Parks.
The day finally arrived.  Rosa Parks arrived in a stretch Limo and entered the store. By the time she arrived hundreds of people were already in line to meet her. This was one of the most momentous author events that we had at the Book Store during my 45 years of working at the store.  Rosa Parks was delightful to have at the store and many people were so pleased to get to meet her in person. It is estimated that well over 2000 people came through the store to meet her.

The students from one of the local Elementary Schools made a large banner that said, “We Love you Rosa Parks” which they held up outside the store in the line of people that were waiting to meet this legendary woman Mrs. Parks.
Since she was not going to autograph books for our customers, we had permission to make a commemorative books mark with her autograph printed on it. The book mark said: “I met Rosa Parks Author of Quiet Strength at Potomac Adventist Book Store April 28, 1995 40th Anniversary of the Courageous Act that Launched the Civil Rights Movement. 1955-1995.”

Quiet Strength, is available from a number of online venues including I would encourage you to order a copy and read it. Mrs Park’s story will still inspire us to make this world a kinder place for people of all races. Mrs Parks wrote, “I want to be remembered as a person who stood up to injustice, who wanted a better world for young people.”

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