Sunday, January 20, 2019

Contemporary Evangelism for the 21st. Century: A Review

Dr. Carlton P. Byrd author of this new book is in a unique position to explore the topic of contemporary evangelism. The attendance of his Atlanta-Berean Seventh-day Adventist church quadrupled in a few short months after his arrival. His ground-breaking approach to worship and evangelism together has been a catalyst for growth and change.
Dr Byrd emphasizes that while God’s message does not change – people change so the way to reach them will sometimes need to be adapted to the current culture.
Here are some quotes from this book:
Ineffective evangelistic practices need to be abandoned, and consequently, modern evangelistic approaches should be employed to maximize church growth.
As we seek to reach our highly secularized, socially diverse, and economically dissimilar culture, our methods of evangelism must change to reach the contemporary mind.
The heart of evangelism is based in the heart of a seeking God
The church has been sent by God to teach that healing comes through humanity’s acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
You can learn more about this book and read the first chapter on line for free – click here.

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