Thursday, January 3, 2019

Mightier Than a Lion: A Review

I enjoyed this collection of 34 true stories taken from the popular Guide magazine, a weekly magazine especially meant for young people 10-14 years of age. Some of us who are quite a few years older than that enjoy them too.

Young people make decisions every day. Some decisions are big. Others are huge. Most seem so small you barely even think about them. The kids in these true stories relied on Jesus to help them make the right decisions. Jesus will help you too!
I was inspired by all stories in this book, but one story really spoke to me. This is a story about a young lady Kendra whose legs were paralyzed as the result of an accident. When she came home from the hospital in a wheelchair, her parents were very tense and worried about the whole situation.

“This is no way to live,” Kendra announced one morning, and both parents winced.
“I’m so sorry, honey,” her mom said, “I don’t know why God has allowed you to be paralyzed.”

“I’m not talking about my legs not working, Mom,” Kendra said, holding her head high, “I’m talking about us being sad about it. This is my life now. I’m going to make it awesome.”
The story goes on to tell about how she learned to cope and was a happy, successful person who  encouraged others to be all that they could be.

You can read the first chapter of this awesome book on line for free click here

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