Sunday, January 20, 2019

I Will Not Fear: A Review

I Will Not Fear, has recently been published by Revell-a division of Baker Publishing Group.

Author Melba Pattillo Beals, who in 1957 was  one of the Nine African American students chosen to integrate Central High School in Little Rock , Arkansas tells her amazing story of building faith under fire throughout her life.

I Will Not Fear is one of the most inspiring books we have ever read, Dr. Beals’s writing is honest and compelling, and it is the kind of book you cannot put down. It should be required reading for every American. She brings to life every story and milestone on her journey in such a way that we cannot help but take it with her. Our deepest gratitude to her for sharing her terrorizing walk so that we have a window into what it means and what it takes to be “a profile in courage.”

As one of the famous Little Rock Nine who first integrated the all-white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, Melba was not only quite literally, on the forefront of the desegregation movement in America but on the front pages of the major newspapers as well. She bravely entered the school, guarded by soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division in the face of raging, violent, white citizens on scene to stop her. This would become the testing ground of her faith. Physical and psychological threats, bullying, hatred, and bigotry surrounded her on all sides each day, fueled by the Ku Klux Klan’s very real, life threatening influence. And she was only fifteen years old.

God’s plan for Melba also included healing her own terror of and prejudice against white people, so as to inspire others to do the same. God gave her the McCabe family, Quakers living in rural Santa Rosa, California. Bless that family’s dear hearts, and each and every one of them. They helped heal not only a traumatized girl, but a divided nation also.

[Taken form the foreword by Gerald Jampolsky founder of Attitudinal Healing and author of many books, including the international bestseller Love is Letting Go of Fear].
I first learned about this book from an article in Guideposts magazine. I really highly recommend it. It is interesting and fascinating and instructive. You can read more about this book by clicking here. I hope you will purchase a book at your favorite bookstore or on one of the on line venues. Then be sure and read it and meet Melba and her family in this book. As Charlie “Tremendous Jones” wrote: “You will be the same in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.”

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