Monday, February 4, 2019

Christwise Discipleship Guide: A Review

This is a new updated Guide for leading young people to a relationship with Christ. The author is Troy Fitzgerald, who is the young-adult pastor at the Walla Walla University Church.

A Leader’s Guide is also available which covers all 4 levels; Primary, Junior, Teen, and Youth. There are individual Guide books for each participant, separately for the various levels.
One thing I especially like about this Guide is use of stories to illustrate the different lessons. I like the following quote by Eugene Peterson which is included in the section entitled Background on Religious Education.

We live in a world impoverished of story. Words in our culture are a form of currency used mostly to provide information. By the time we have completed our assigned years in the classroom, we have far more information than we will ever be able to put to use…There is no discovery, no relationship, no personal attentiveness in them (words). For that we need story and storytellers.
I believe these Discipleship Guides will be helpful to many Leaders and students.

You can read the first chapter from the Leader’s Guide on line by clicking here.

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