Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The Miracle of Conversion: A Review

The Miracle of Conversion by the late, Morris Venden, popular author and speaker, digs into what conversion really is and how one receives this miracle.

The English verb convert has lost most of its spiritual sense.

Toy trucks convert from normal looking ones to “monster trucks” and back again. Converters help us use our electrical appliances overseas. We convert meters to yards, English pounds to US dollars, and vice versa. It’s easy to convert things. But for people-even fifth- or sixth-generation Adventists-spiritual conversion requires the miracle of the Holy Spirit and a true relationship with God.

The necessity of conversion is for the good, the bad, and the indifferent. Without it, the good are not good enough, the bad are too bad to be changed, and the indifferent cannot be awakened. What Jesus preached and offered, life is echoing-with increased emphasis: “Ye must be born again.”

Pastor Morris Venden’s insights into righteousness by faith have shaped recent generations of Adventists. As a result, we have become a more secure, kind, and sympathetic people. His books, parables, and sermons have won many to Christ. In this book, he draws on the writings of others, as well as his own, to explain what conversion is and is not for those “born into” the faith.

Morris Venden states that conversion is the most neglected topic in the Christian church.  And that it is also the most important topic. Venden did some inquiry and found that there were no books from the Adventist publishing houses on this subject and decided it was time to write one. While there were no complete books in print on the subject available from the Adventist publishing houses there was material to draw together to make this book. This book is an anthology of the best material he could find on this important topic.

I found this book helpful and definitely thought provoking and recommend that you read the book. For more information on this book and to order it click here.

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