Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Modern Parables-Stories That Make Spiritual Truths Come Alive: A Review

Modern Parables is one of the more than thirty books which best-selling author Morris Venden wrote about Jesus.

Morris Venden in his preaching and writing often used parables some which he wrote and some which he borrowed from others. In the Foreword to this book Morris Venden writes:

If Jesus were in town today, He would probably be telling stories--stories about freeways and airplanes and shopping malls, maybe even television. And then we’d remember His stories and their deeper meanings every time we were around these places and things.

Everybody loves a story. Maybe that’s one reason boys and girls loved to be around Jesus. And there are plenty of boys and girls around today…all the way up to age 90!

This book puts together a collection of my favorite modern parables. Some I have written. Some are identified by author. Others have been given to me by individuals who asked for no recognition. These have been adapted and reworked through the years. But all are stories that people have asked for whenever I have used them to illustrate deeper truth. Perhaps they will capture your interest too.

Give it a try-and enjoy!
One of my favorites in this book is entitled, Swimming to Hawaii.  For this parable Hawaii equates with perfection or obedience so everyone in the town of Remnant are taught to swim at an early age because surely you need to get to Hawaii. However no one ever makes it to Hawaii. After much time has come by people realize that swimming is not going to ever get you there. Various options were considered until finally someone comes up with the idea of taking the plane whose Pilot is Jesus.

Then came news of a third option. It sounded weird. It bypassed the beach entirely. The third option stated that you get acquainted with the Pilot of the airplane. You place yourself in His hands and depend on Him to get you to Hawaii. And when you get on board the plane, with the Pilot in control, all you have to do is rest-it’s His business to get you to Hawaii
I recommend you check out more information about this book by clicking here and then order a book and  read all of these parables.

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