Monday, February 4, 2019

Daring to Ask for More: A Review

Daring to Ask for More-Divine Keys for Answered Prayer by Melody Mason is an ideal book on prayer.

The book is inspiring and perhaps a bit challenging realizing how most of us have not really realized the tremendous opportunity God offers us to have a much deeper relationship with Him through prayer.
In the preface, Melody tells this story about Alexander the Great.

Besides being a great conqueror, Alexander was also a compassionate ruler. Every year he set aside one day that he called “compassionate day.”

As the story goes, on this special day of the year, he randomly selected people across his kingdom whom he allowed to come and make special requests. They could ask for whatever they wanted or needed. And he would grant their requests.  Most people asked for food, clothes, money for medicine, and so on. However one year, there was a man who dared to ask for more! Speaking through the king’s spokesman, this man shared his request.

“Can you please tell the king that I want a large palace? And I want…” But before he could continue, the king’s spokesman interrupted him with irritation. “What impertinence! Don’t you see all these people asking for food and medicine? How dare you to think that you can ask the king for a palace.”

But the man continued earnestly, “I want the palace to include a large banquet hall where I can host a celebration, because I have lots of friends. And I want the palace to be well furnished, and I want a special meal prepared.” But the spokesman stopped him again, as he was getting even more angry.

“I will not ask the king for this! This is the most outrageous thing I have ever heard!”

At this point, King Alexander saw the commotion, “What does the man desire?” he inquired of the spokesman.
The story continues. The spokesman reluctantly told the king what the man was requesting and King Alexander turned toward the petitioner and enthusiastically said “Request granted!”

Then the king explained THIS MAN is the first man that has made me really feel like a king for he is the first one to ask for something that only I can grant.
Melody uses this to illustrate how that God wants us to ask for things that only He can provide.

I would like to encourage you to click here for more information about this book and to read the first chapter on line for free.

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