Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Never Without an Intercessor-The Good News About the Judgement: A Review

This is one of the more than 30 books about Jesus which Morris Venden wrote. He was a highly sought after speaker, both nationally and internationally. He was known as a master of the art of preaching and was a strong advocate of both justification and sanctification by faith alone.

There are 13 chapters in this book and each chapter is prefaced with the verse Hebrews 7:25

Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.
All thirteen chapters of this book deal with righteousness by faith from Jesus alone. One chapter is specifically titled Never Without an Intercessor and brings out that throughout eternity there is a work of intercession that Jesus will do for us, that throughout eternity the power to live a perfect righteous life will still come from Jesus.

I like the illustration that Morris Venden uses. He says:

I wonder how many of you are into vacuum cleaners? I have been associated with vacuum cleaners most of my life. It goes back to my childhood, when it was one of my duties to do the vacuuming on Friday afternoons. This included taking the attachments off, putting on the upholstery parts, and doing all the upholstery-everything. Sometimes, when my mother wasn’t looking, I’d play around with it a little bit—you know, try sucking my cheeks out. I tried vacuuming my eyebrows one time. That wasn’t too smart. I did it on my hair, and I didn’t know how much I’d regret that one. But there was one thing that was pretty clear. It was that when you go down the hall and you try to do one more room on the same plug-in, and the plug comes out of the wall, you have a power problem. You’ve got to be connected to the power, if you’re going to get the job done.
Morris Venden goes on to declare that just as the vacuum cleaner will not vacuum without being plugged into the electrical outlet so we will not function properly in our spiritual lives without being connected to the power source of Jesus.

I recommend this book and encourage you to click here to learn more about  this book and  for information on ordering it.

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