Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Character Carved in Stone: A Review

Overlooking the Hudson River on the campus of the United States Military Academy at West Point are twelve granite benches. Each one is inscribed with a word representing a key leadership virtue:

Compassion                       Integrity

Courage                               Loyalty

Dedication                          Perseverance

Determination                  Responsibility

Dignity                                  Service

Discipline                             Trust

These benches remind cadets of the qualities that lead to victory and success, not just on the battlefield but in all of life as well.

With his signature enthusiasm and insight, Pat Williams shares the incredible stories of West Point graduates who have exemplified these traits, from the Civil War to the War on Terror. He shows you how to develop these twelve essential virtues in your life—whether you are in the corporate world, the academic world, the military, the church, or another sphere—so that you can experience lasting success.

I very much enjoyed the stories which the author Pat Williams has used to illustrate these leadership characteristics that can help anyone be more successful in their sphere of service

You can purchase this  new 2019 title at bookstores or order on line by clicking here.

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