Monday, April 8, 2019

The Four Gospels-Matthew, Mark, Luke, and john: A Review

There are 89 chapters in these 4 gospels so about a year ago I decided that I would make a plan to read an average of three chapters a day and thus read the 4 gospels one time each month. One, however, has to adjust when doing something on the calendar like this because in February, you have to make up a few extra chapters since it is a shorter month and, in the months with 31 days you have an extra day to finish up the task. Or better yet you can read some additional Scripture on that last day.

So I have been reading a different translation each month. So far I have read:

The Message

New Living Translation

A Physicians Paraphrase

Christian Standard Bible

New American Standard Bible

New International Version

The Jerusalem Bible

Contemporary English Version

The Clear Word

James Moffatt Bible

New English Bible

The Living Bible

The Easy English Clear Word

I like reading various translations. It helps to keep my interest up and also the different translations or paraphrases help one to think about the meaning a little more than reading the same one all the time.

My most recent one to read the Gospels through is the Easy English Clear Word.

I am going to share a few of the verses that I especially like.

Selected verses from the Sermon on the Mount – Matthew 5,

Happy are those who feel their spiritual need. Heaven belongs to them.

Happy are those who, when they are sad, believe what God says and trust Him. He will comfort them.

Happy are those who are humble. One day the whole world will belong to them.

Happy are those who want to do what is right. God will reward them.

Happy are those who are kind and forgive others. God will be kind and forgive them.

Happy are those whose hearts are pure. One day they will see God.

Happy are those who make peace. They are God’s children.

Also Matthew 11:28-30, “Come to Me if you’re tired or worried, and I will give you rest. Accept My teachings, for I am gentle and kind. You’ll find the rest you’re looking for. My rules are simple and easy to follow.”

I have also been reading the book of Proverbs through each month. It has a lot of valuable advice.

For more information on the Clear Word and the Easy English Clear Word click here.

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