Tuesday, April 16, 2019

My Favorite Angel Stories: A Review

This is one of my favorite books by Joe Wheeler in his My Favorite … series.  Stories about angels are so faith building. Joe has picked the best of the best and been very careful to pick stories that he believes are the very best, that they are truly angel stories and not “just coincidence stories.”

Some of these stories have an angel come visibly  to the aid of a person, usually as a person, some stories a person gets a message like an angel talking to them that they need to go to a certain place and when they get there they are able to fulfill a need.

All of these stories show how God truly does care for His children on this earth.

Be sure and click here  where you can read the first chapter in this incredible book. I can assure you that I believe you will want to order a copy of this book so you can read them all.

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