Monday, April 8, 2019

Dad in My Heart: A Review

Joe Wheeler is the compiler and editor of this collection of stories which contains stories about fathers, beloved teachers, mentors, pastors and other father figures. Wheeler is the compiler/editor of the popular Christmas in My Heart books. He relishes his role in finding, preserving, and sharing classic, Judeo-Christian stories with today’s families.

Joe says: It is my earnest hope that this collection of stories, along with the other books in this series will enable you and your family to begin building a large collection of wonderful old stories. Stories that convey strong Judeo-Christian values; stories that are virtually impossible to put down once you start reading them.  Stories that, when their values are internalized, will result in the kind of character we want our children to grow up with. And to those of us who are a little older, these stories will remind us of what life, the Christian walk and our daily ministry to those around us are all about.

There are 23 wonderful stories in this book. All of them are good. One of my very favorites is the story entitled: A Lesson in Forgiveness. This is the true story of the Ripley brothers Will and his younger brother Dan. They were very different in temperament yet they were really close buddies. Will went off to be a soldier in the Union army in the Civil war. Dan was left at home with his other best friend Jack, his dog. One day when Dan was gone from the farm on an errand, Jack killed several sheep and Dan’s father felt it was necessary to have Jack done away with and buried before Dan arrived back home. Dan was so upset upon finding out what his father did to his friend Jack he decided to run away from home and go find his brother Will in the army.

When Dan got very tired, he lay down by the road and went to sleep.

A tall man came walking up the road and found Dan. It was President Abraham Lincoln who was trying to think through a problem. There were 24 young men, deserters from the army that President Lincoln wanted to pardon rather than having them executed for desertion. You must read the story to find out about the deal Dan and the president made to both forgive!

I really recommend this book. You can order it from and other on line venues.

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