Monday, April 8, 2019

Steps to Christ-Recovery Edition: A Review

In 1935, Dr. Bob, an Alcoholic physician together with Bill W, a recovering alcoholic were on a business trip together. They began what became known as the “12 Step Program” that led to their freedom from the addiction of Alcoholism.

Their burden for others suffering from alcoholism led them to share the philosophy of the 12 Step Program through Alcoholics Anonymous and personal work that enabled many to find freedom from Alcohol. Before his death in 1959, Dr Bob is credited with guiding 5,000 other alcoholics to Sobriety.

The Steps for the 12 Step Program are highlighted at the beginning of each chapter in this Contemporary version of Steps to Christ. The message of Steps to Christ reinforces the steps involved in the 12 Step Program and brings a very spiritual approach to this recovery program.

I would like to share in this review some of my favorite quotes from this book:

Nature and the Bible both tell us of God’s love. Our Father in heaven gives us life, wisdom, and joy.

Only through Christ can we find harmony with God and be made holy.

God’s promise is “You will seek me, and you will find me because you will seek me with all your heart.”

God offers His peace to you as a gift. “It will cost you nothing.”

We must not trust in our own strength or believe that our good deeds will save us. But our lives will show whether we have the grace of God in our hearts.

Our sense of need drives us to the Savior and to the Word of God. The more we see of His beautiful character, the more we shall become like Him.

Let us keep our eyes on Christ, and He will hold us. We are safe when we are looking to Jesus.

Love for Jesus will lead us to work as He worked for the blessing and uplifting of all people. His love will lead us to be kind and loving.

Prayer is the opening of the heart to God as to a friend.

Our heavenly Father waits to give us His full blessing. In prayer we feel His boundless love. What a wonder it is that we pray so little. God is ready and willing to hear the sincere prayer of even the most humble child, but still we seem almost afraid to tell Him what we need.

We can be thankful that in heaven all the things that we do not understand now will be explained and made clear.

The Lord wants all His sons and daughters to be happy and to have peace.

For more information about this book and to order click here.

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