Monday, June 3, 2019

Hope Beyond Tomorrow: A Review

Mark Finley, Author of more than 70 books has written again. His new title is Hope Beyond Tomorrow.

Mark Finley recounts a fascinating story that Billy Graham told in one of his sermons.

It seems that Einstein was on a train traveling in Europe when the steward approached him and asked for his ticket. Einstein fumbled through his belongings, searched his pockets, and looked in his billfold, but all his attempts produced absolutely nothing. He just couldn’t find his ticket.

The train’s steward simply said, ‘I know who you are, don’t worry about it. I know you have your ticket someplace.’ And he proceeded up the aisle. When he looked back he saw Einstein on his knees frantically looking under his seat, desperately searching for his ticket. The renowned scientist seemed awfully distressed that he could not find it.

Attempting to ease his anxiety, the steward said, ‘Mr Einstein, I know who you are. Don’t worry about it.’ Einstein replied, ‘I know who I am too, but I do not know where I am going.’

Finley says so many millions of people in this world have little idea where this world is headed. But the great hope of knowing of the soon return of our Lord will give us the ability to live joy-filled lives because we know the end of the story.

Mark Finley states “there is nothing more valuable than knowing Christ and having the hope of His soon return burning in your heart.”

Reading this book was a great inspiration to me and I would encourage you to click here and read on line the first chapter of this book for free. I am confident you would want to get and read the entire book once you read the first chapter.

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