Thursday, July 5, 2018

A Pause for Peace: A Review

This book by Clifford Goldstein has just been republished this year in a larger edition with many beautiful full color illustrations

The subject is the Sabbath and Goldstein presents the biblical evidence for keeping the Sabbath as well as giving many of the health benefits of having a day of rest.
Goldstein masterfully shows that the Sabbath was the capstone to the creation week when God created this world and is a sign of His creation of us and the redemption which Jesus provided for us on Calvary.

The Sabbath is intended as a delight, a joy, and a blessing, not a burden.

Far from violating the Sabbath, Christ by His words and deeds, restored its true purpose.

If the Holy Sabbath day had been changed, surely the Gospel writers should have written something about it.

We are accepted not because of what we have done but because of what
Jesus has done for us.

In the new covenant, God will write His law on our hearts and minds.

Jesus himself adamantly taught and kept the seventh-day Sabbath

The Sabbath symbolizes not only the created world, but the soul re-created in Christ.
I recommend this book and encourage you to click here for information about this book and to read the first chapter  for free on line.

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