Thursday, July 5, 2018

Out of Babylon: A Review

S. Joseph Kidder, the author of this autobiography was born in Nineveh, located in northern Iraq. The town itself is now called Mosul but still the modern city and ruins of the ancient city are called the “District of Nineveh.” The region is called “the state of Nineveh”

Up until a few years ago, the grave of Jonah was in the heart of Mosul. Jonah’s grave was, however, destroyed in 2014 by ISIS.
Kidder found Jesus on the streets of Bagdad, Iraq. His cousin Basher was visiting one Friday afternoon and they decided to go for a walk.

By accident or better yet, by divine providence, our walk brought us to the Adventist church. There was a small sign (about 6 inches by five inches) advertising a movie about the life of Jesus Christ and inviting people to go in and watch it.

Kidder relates that that movie is what introduced him to Jesus. He began to study the bible. He wanted one of his own so he saved up the $100.00 needed to order a bible. After ordering the bible, it still took 8 more months to receive it.
Kidder was happy to have his own bible and began to read it.

It can be hard to be a Christian in Iraq. One day nearly 100 friends and family met him at his home and spit on him and beat him up and left him for dead on the street.  But God was with him.
Later two of the young men who had beat him up talked to him and said either you are really crazy or if not we want to have what you have. Kidder was able to lead both of them to Christ.

Eventually Kidder was able to come to the United States to go to school and he became a minister. He has since pastored and taught at Andrews University for many years.
Kidder realized that, had he not become a Christian and left Iraq, he very likely would have been killed in one of the numerous wars that Iraq has waged.

Click here to read more information about this book and to read the first chapter on line for free.

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