Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Memorable Encounters: A Review

            There is a first encounter.

And the last one will come.

Between both we all have many more.

Some of them change the course of life.

But there is just one that can make it

Attractive and everlasting.

Now you can delight in learning

Through encounters of men and women

Who had the decisive one.

You can experience the same today.

I enjoyed this book by Roberto Badenas in which he describes in the 16 chapters encounters of people who met Jesus while He was here on earth. From John the Baptist by the river Jordan to Cleopas on the road to Emmaus, Nicodemus, who visited Jesus at night, the unnamed woman at the well at Samaria, and many more the author describes the life changing encounters these people had with Jesus.

The author states:

God does not evaluate us by what we are now, but by what we can become. He knows that the powers now dominating us are, in the end, alien to us. He knows that if we choose to let them go they will become nothing more than a foggy memory of our past existence.

In spite of what we have been taught, we do not need to be “good” in order to receive His grace. He accepts us as we are, but He loves us too much to leave us in our present condition. His eyes see beyond our painful present to a victorious future. And so He comes to lift us from the quagmire of our life. He extends to us His outstretched hand and His grace so that we can become “good.”
The author does a masterful job of describing the circumstances and the locations e.t.c., where these people encountered Jesus.

Look for this book at your favorite store or order on line by clicking here.

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