Thursday, July 5, 2018

A Trip into the Supernatural: A Review

Roger J. Morneau, author of this amazing autobiography was born on April 18. 1925 in New Brunswick, Canada. He was raised in a conservative Catholic home by very loving parents. However, there were a number of questions that he was unable to get satisfactory answers to and he came to hate God and turned away from Him

During World War II, he served in the Canadian Merchant Navy and drifted farther from religion.  When he finished his time of service, he became involved with Satan Worship. He was told that the spirits had big plans for him that would make him extremely successful and wealthy.
As he became acquainted with the priest of the Spirits Temple he became more and more involved. One day when the priest was speaking to a group of people and telling how Lucifer and the other spirits worked, the subject of Seventh-day Adventists came up. To quote, the question was “What about the Adventists. You can’t consider them deceived like you say the rest of the world is. Why do they resist the great deception?”

The priest answered:

You are correct. Adventists haven’t been taken in by it. First let me explain why I ignored them. There are so few of them when you consider the rest of the world’s population that I didn’t even think of mentioning them.

Second the reason that they haven’t fallen for the deception is that they are not ordinary people. Permit me to explain. What I am going to say next may upset some of you, but it’s true whether you like it or not.

The fact that Adventists celebrate the biblical Sabbath of Creation makes it impossible to deceive them. The Creator gives them special help and great spiritual insights. So in that sense they are not ordinary people.
Among other things Morneau learned, was fact that the spirits purposely try to bring about discord and war and fighting, including interfering with peace talks at the United Nations.  He was told that peace is not good for the success of Lucifer’s plans.

After a number of weeks, the Satanist priest told Roger and his friend Roland that it was time for them to formally become part of the Satanist group.  Roger said he needed a little time to decide if he would do this. In the providence of God, however, he met a gentleman at his work who was a Christian and studying to join the seventh-day Adventist church. The Jewish boss wanted to know why this non-Jew wanted Saturdays off, and asked Roger to find out. This led to bible studies (28 in one week)

 Roger accepted Jesus as his Savior and soon joined the Seventh-day Adventist church.
Now he was in trouble with the spirits- but he had accepted a more powerful Master, Jesus Christ.

I encourage you to read this book to learn a lot more amazing details of what happened to Roger.
For more information about this book and to order your copy on line click here.

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