Sunday, July 22, 2018

Seekers: A Review

Seekers the most recent book by the popular author Bradley Booth is based on Matthew 13:44.

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid and for joy over it goes and sells all that he has and buys the field.
              This parable illustrates the value of the heavenly treasure, and the effort that should be
              made  to secure it. The finder of the treasure in the field was ready to part with all that he
              had, ready to put forth untiring labor, in order to secure the hidden riches. So the finder of 
              heavenly treasure will count no labor too great and no sacrifice too dear, in order to gain
              the treasures of truth.

In the parable the field containing the treasure represents the Holy Scriptures. And the gospel is the treasure.
Bradley Booth enlarges on the parable Jesus told by telling a story of Micah and Koz and their father Harim and how they were working in a field for Master Shaphat, the richest landowner in the area and they discovered hidden riches; gold, silver and jewels. It was an accepted practice in Bible times that one who found treasures in a field could own them if they bought the field and became owners of the land.

The author tells a fascinating story of how the two brothers and their dad saved their money and eventually sold their house, their property and almost everything they owned to be able to buy the field.
They then legitimately owned the treasure as well. Booth has done excellent research in the history of the people who lived in this area where the story is set and creates a very fascinating story.

Of course, the real lesson in the story is we should be willing to give everything we have to gain the gospel treasure.
You can learn more about this new book and read the first chapter on line by clicking here.

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