Wednesday, August 22, 2018

35 Secrets for Successful & Happy Marriages: A Review

This book by Gayle and Mike Tucker has just recently been republished by Stanborough Press in England and is being distributed to bookstores by the Pacific Press in the United States in Boise, Idaho. I enjoyed this book and found it very readable and would recommend it for anyone who would like inspiring advice for improving their marriage.

The authors state that every couple should have a motto for their marriage. Here are a few of them that they share in this book:

I will Never intentionally hurt you.
                                               Our Attitude is Always One of Goodwill.

Not Only Would I Be Crazy to Leave You. But You’d Also Be Crazy to Leave Me.
                                                 I’d Marry You All Over Again.

What’s Mine Is Yours. What’s Yours is Mine. Whatever Happens We’re in This Together.
                                          I’d Rather Be Poor With You than Rich Without You.

Sometimes I Don’t Like You. But I Always Love You.
                                                               It’s Simple. Just Be Nice.

Never Stop Dating Your Spouse.
                                                       Love Keeps No Record of Wrongs.

Never Hold a Grudge.
                                         It’s More Important to Love than to Be Right.

The Tuckers tell  short stories illustrating the Secrets and Mottoes presented in this book of real life experiences  either of their own or of people they have known.

Click here for information on ordering this valuable book.

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