Thursday, August 9, 2018

They Knew Him: A Review

I enjoyed this new book by Anita Marshall in which she tells the stories of 7 Biblical Characters who knew Jesus personally and 16 “later followers” who also knew Jesus personally. She skillfully tells the stories of each of these people and shows how knowing Jesus made a world of a difference in their lives.

Biblical characters whose story are told are, John the Baptist. Lazarus, Peter, Paul, Mary the mother of Jesus and Martha. In addition to these, the author gives brief summaries of several others whom the Bible tells very little.
I especially enjoyed her telling the stories of several “later followers” as the author mentions on some of the later followers more specific details about their lives are known. Let me mention a few to inspire you to wish to read this book.

James Emman Kwegyir Aggrey-Missionary for Christ and “Father of African Education.” He said “You could play a melody of sorts with just the black keys on a piano; you could do the same with the white keys. But for full and perfect harmony you need both.”
H. G. Spafford composer of the song “It is well with my soul.”  Horatio Spafford was born in 1828. He went into business in the Chicago area and after the great Chicago fire he sent his wife and two daughters to Europe for a vacation. The plan was that he would join them however he had to finish up some business before he could join them. The ship had a collision with another ship and many lives were lost including his two daughters. In spite of these trials and losses, he was able to still believe. “It is well with my soul.”

                When peace like a river attendeth my way,
                When sorrows like sea-billows roll

              Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,

“It is well, it is well with my soul.”
Gertude ‘Biddy’ Chambers was the wife of Oswald Chambers. Oswald was a great preacher and is perhaps best known for his devotional My Utmost for His Highest. He died in 1917. At that point there were no books published by him. However Gertrude had  taken careful notes on his sermons and put his sermons together in book form which has extended the influence of his preaching for scores of years.
All of these stories can inspire the reader to know Jesus better.

For more information about this book and for ordering on line click here.

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