Thursday, August 9, 2018

Meet the Cast (Lesser-known characters of the Old testament): A Review

Meet the Cast (Lesser-known characters of the Old Testament) by author Ray Markham is a collection of stories of many of the people in the Old Testament that are not the high-profile characters like David or Moses most people know.

One of the features in this author’s writings is he asks a question of the reader to help them apply the lessons from the life of the character from the Bible to their own life.
The author uses stories both of the upright and those who were more the scoundrel type. He brings to us details of the customs of the times when these people lived to help us to understand what is happening in the stories that he tells.

Here are a few of the Biblical characters whose stories are told in this book:
Lot-He made a poor choice as to where to live.

Caleb-He was a “Man with a Different Spirit.” Caleb and Joshua were two of the twelve spies that Moses sent to check out Canaan. The two came back with a very positive assessment of the land and encouraged the Israelites to go up and possess the land which God wanted them to possess.
Unfortunately the people sided with the ten spies who did not believe that they could possess the land so all the adults had to die off before the people could go in. Only Caleb and Joshua of the older generation got to enter Canaan.

God singled out Caleb for special honor among the Israelites: ‘But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it’

Caleb was commended by God for his right attitude of mind. There was a ‘different spirit’ about him in the way he reacted to situations and to people. Caleb seems to have been one of those people who always said or did the right thing. And that was probably because his faith and trust in God were so complete, that he always appeared to see things from God’s perspective, to have God’s vision, and to know God’s mind.

Joash, the 7-year old king of Israel. He did well so long as Jehoida lived to guide him in his decisions.
However, it seems that Joash had not learned how to make his own decisions and after Jehoida died things went very bad.

I would encourage you to check this book out and read it if possible.
You can get more information about it here.

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