Thursday, August 9, 2018

Flee the Captor: A Review

This is the true story of the Dutch-Paris underground and its compassionate leader, John Henry Weidner. The author is Herbert Ford.

From 1940-1944 John Henry Weidner was instrumental in saving the lives of 800 Jews and more than 100 Allied aviators and many others who fled the nightmare of Nazism. Others with less moral fortitude may have closed their eyes to the brutality about them, but Weidner refused to be cowed and so braved imprisonment and torture for his humanitarian efforts.
This extremely fascinating and historical story of Seventh-day Adventist John Henry Weidner reveals John’s faith and God’s protection for him as he organized untold numbers of rescue missions to save the lives of Jews and others during the 2nd world war.

Over and over John escaped from unbearable situations.
If you would like to be inspired how someone can make a difference in this world – read Flee the Captor.

Click here for more information.

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