Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Unshakeable Hope: A Review

Unshakable Hope-Building our lives on the Promises of God is Max Lucado’s 40th book, which just come off the press.  I have read many of his books through the years and have enjoyed every one, even though there are things he says that I occasionally do not agree with him.  Max Lucado is America’s bestselling inspirational author with more than 130 million books in print. Currently, he serves as Senior Minister of the Oak Hills Church in San Antonio.

Max Lucado is a master of putting words together to inspire the reader. In this book, he is emphasizing the promises of God:

§  For every problem in life God has given us a promise. Make it your aim to get acquainted with these promises that you can write yourself a prescription.

§  I’m feeling fearful today. Time for me to open up a bottle of Judges 6:12. “The Lord is with you.” I will lay claim to the nearness of God.

§  The world feels out of control. Time for a dose of Romans 8:28 “All things work together for good” (NKJV).

§  I see dark clouds on the horizon. What was it Jesus told me? Oh now I remember. “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
I like very much how Lucado shares stories in his writings about himself and others that illustrate the lessons that he is writing about.
I would like to recommend this book which reminds us to Stand on the promises of God.

You can likely find this book at your favorite bookstore. To order on line and read more about this book click here.

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