Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Principles for Christian Leaders: A Review

Principles for Christian Leaders is a wide-ranging collection of material gathered from the inspired writings of Ellen G White on many aspects of Christian Leadership. The 13 segments of this book contain principles that are applicable for every line of work in which men and women engage. As we seek for wisdom to know how to lead well, we have the assurance that God is teaching, leading, and guiding His people.

Amid the challenges that leaders deal with each day, we would do well to remember that the only safety for any of us is in walking humbly with God, going where the Master leads the way. With our eyes on Him, our confidence can be found in following His footsteps.

This book is the work product of Ellen G White, the author of more than 130 books, many which have been compiled and published posthumously from her extensive manuscript file, including this one, which was published this year 2018. Ellen G White is the world’s most translated woman author with her works appearing in more than 150 languages. Inspired by God, she exalted Jesus and continually pointed to the Holy Scriptures as the basis for faith.

Here are some of the thoughts that are given in this book.

   §  Leaders should not be unsympathetic, sharp-edged , and overbearing.

   §  Leaders should represent the kindness and love of Jesus in the great and glorious work to                   which they are called.

   §  Leaders should be under the control of the divine Ruler

   §  Men who are leaders are required in every respect to be Christian gentleman.

   §  Leaders are to be meek and lowly of heart.

   §  Leaders are to manifest; sweetness, gentleness, patience, long-suffering, love and the                        strictest integrity.

   §  Leaders are to walk humbly with God.

This is just a taste of what this book teaches. Please click here for more information about this new book and to read the first chapter for free on line.

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