Thursday, October 18, 2018

Charmed by Darkness: A Review

One thing in particular the high priest wants to make you aware of, no one has ever gotten out of our secret society alive. You and I were brought into it by the special working of the spirits, and we are to be in subjection to them, not to us.
Roland uttered these words to Roger  when Roger chose to become a Christian rather than remain  in the secret society that he and Roland had been attending, a secret society which knowingly worshipped  the “Master Lucifer”

Charmed by Darkness is the more complete autobiography of Roger Morneau’s story; a shorter version Trip into the Supernatural was published earlier. So many people were blessed by that story as well as Roger’s later books on prayer that the publisher decided to come out with Charmed by Darkness.
Roger had turned his back on God as a young man. There were so many things that did not seem to make sense. Then he joined the Merchant Marines during World War II and subsequently got involved with the Lucifer Worshipers.

When the high priest of the Lucifer worshipers asked him to become a full-fledged part of the Lucifer worshipers, Roger determined that he needed to think about this before he fully committed himself.
God brought a Christian into his life and in one week, Cyril and Cynthia gave Roger 28 Bible Studies and Roger fully committed his life to God.

I encourage you to read this book click here  to read the first chapter on line and for information on ordering a copy.

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