Friday, October 5, 2018

Over The Top: A Review

This is not a new title, but I enjoyed reading and was inspired by this book by the late Zig Ziglar who was a very inspirational motivational speaker.

I like Zig’s style (positive and motivational). He always said we each live in the geographical center of the world and can go from where we are to anywhere we want to go, and not just a geographical location. He says it is not an easy trip; it is demanding but also exhilarating.
Here are 14 things Zig says will be true when you are at the top:

1.       You have made friends with your past, and you are focused on the present and optimistic about your future.

2.       You have the love of friends and the respect of your enemies.

3.       You are filled with faith, hope and love and you live without anger, greed, guilt, envy, or thoughts of revenge.

4.       You know that failure to stand for what is morally right is the prelude to be the victim of what is criminally wrong.

5.       You are mature enough to delay gratification and shift your focus from your rights to your responsibilities.

6.       You love the unlovable, give hope to the hopeless, friendship to the friendless, and encouragement to the discouraged.

7.       You know that success (a win) doesn’t make you, and failure (a loss) doesn’t break you.

8.       You can look back in forgiveness, forward in hope, down in compassion, and up with gratitude.

9.       You are secure in who (and whose) you are so you are at with peace with God and in fellowship with man.

10.   You clearly understand that yesterday ended last night, that today is a brand-new day and it’s yours.

11.   You know that “he who would be the greatest among you must become the servant of all.”

12.   You are pleasant to the grouch, courteous to the rude, and generous to the needy because you know that the long-term benefits of giving and forgiving far outweigh the short-term benefits of receiving.

13.   You recognize, confess, develop, and use your God-given physical, mental and spiritual abilities to the glory of God and for the benefit of mankind.

14.   You stand in front of the Creator of the universe, and He says to you, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”
This book gives a lot of positive help in how to reach this Over the Top goal. I would encourage you to read it. If your local book store does not have a copy on hand you can order it from Amazon and other on line suppliers.

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