Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Pursued: A Review

Author Lola Moore Johnston uses the experience of Mary Magdalene to introduce Jesus as the Pursuer who pursues us as a lover pursues his beloved. You will walk with Mary as she is transformed from an outcast in polite society to Jesus’ most ardent supporter and adoring friend.

In 7 chapters Lola takes us through experiences of Mary Magdalene to show how Jesus did not give up on Mary but continued to pursue her. Some of these stories do not name her directly and many  bible scholars believe some of them are told that way to  protect her reputation.
Here are some of the specific stories;

The woman taken in adultery- Jesus told Mary “Neither do I (accuse thee). Go and sin no more.”
Jesus cast out seven demons from Mary; Jesus took on the responsibility of not only making Mary well but also of keeping her well.

Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus when Martha, her sister thought Mary should come and help fix dinner. Jesus said Mary had chosen the best part which was taking time to listen to Jesus.
Jesus raising Lazarus, Mary’s brother, from the dead. Even though it seemed that Jesus was neglecting them Jesus brought a greater blessing in raising Lazarus then it would have been to heal him.

Mary anointed Jesus feet at the feast at Simon’s house.  Jesus defended Mary when the disciples thought what a waste this was, and Jesus told Mary “Your sins are forgiven.”
Mary was the first person Jesus talked to after the resurrection and sent off to tell the other followers that Jesus was alive.

There was nothing spectacular about Mary. She had a pretty rough start, a checkered past, yet she became a beloved follower of Christ. How did she catch Jesus’ attention? What had she done to merit such special treatment?  Nothing. All Mary had ever done was wholeheartedly receive the love Jesus offered. From their first meeting Jesus was nonjudgmental and accepting of her, flaws and all. Her response was simple and made all the difference-she accepted His love.
For more information on this new book and to read the first chapter on line click here. There is also a study guide and a set of DVDs available for use along with this book.

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