Thursday, October 25, 2018

Land of Silence: A Review

I really enjoy well written Biblical Fiction.  Land of Silence by Tessa Afshar falls into that category.

The main character in this book is Elianna who is the lady in the gospels with the flow of blood that the doctors were unable to cure. Eliana spent all she had on many doctors to no avail. Then she heard of Jesus and went to Him. She touched the hem of His garment and was healed.
There are a number of other people included in the story who are specifically referred to in the Bible; Gamaliel, Chuza and Joanna.

As in most biblical fiction the author has created a story based on the times and the customs of that era.
The author weaves into the story much about Elianna’s family, and the challenges for Jewish people living under the rule of Rome.

I like how she enlarges on the part of the story when she finally is willing to go to see Jesus and how she listens to him speak for several days and her soul is fed and she realizes that she needs to forgive the people that have wronged her. As she does that she finally gets up the nerve to touch the border of Jesus garment and of course she is instantly healed. She then feels that she has stolen the healing power from Jesus but is overjoyed when Jesus stops and tells her “Your faith has healed you. Go in Peace.”
I felt like I had been to see Jesus too, as I read the description of Ellianna meeting Jesus.

For more information about this book click here and also for information on ordering a copy or check with your favorite book store.

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