Thursday, October 18, 2018

The New Amplified Pilgrim's Progress: A Review

Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan was originally published in 1678 and has through the centuries been one of the most popular and best-selling books of all time.

Abraham Lincoln and Louisa May Alcott’s “Little Women” were ardent admirers of John Bunyan’s wondrous allegory, The Pilgrim’s Progress. Now beginning its fourth century of popularity this book has been copiously quoted by countless authors, preachers, and orators for hundreds of years.

Now in modern English comes The New Amplified Pilgrim’s Progress. All of the age-old spiritual treasures that have made John Bunyan’s original the world’s best-selling non-biblical masterpiece in all of history are now carried to new heights of power and clarity in this new enhanced version.

While this is perhaps the most adventure-filled and user-friendly adaption ever penned, it is totally unabridged and excepting certain amplified scenes, remains strictly faithful to John Bunyan’s original storyline.

Exciting new levels of love and joy, hope and humor are skillfully woven by master storyteller Jim Pappas into this enchanting retelling of John Bunyan’s immortal classic! The New Amplified Pilgrim’s Progress is especially designed to return the spellbinding masterpiece of angels and giants, castles and dragons to the fireside of today’s everyday reader.
The Pilgrim’s Progress is the story of Pilgrim also known as Christian from the city of Destruction to the Celestial City. It is an Allegory that teaches us how to get from this world to Heaven.

For more information click here. You can also check with your local book store. The ISBN for this book is 978-0-7684-4147-5.

To find a store that may have this book in stock call 1-800-765-6955 or 1-800-722-6774

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