Wednesday, October 31, 2018

One in Christ: A Review

This is the special companion book written to go along with the 4th quarter 2018 Adult Bible Study Guide. The subject is “Biblical Concepts  For a Doctrine of Church Unity.”

Dennis Fortin author of this book has broken the subject down into the following:
God’s Original Plan

Causes of Disunity
“That They All May Be One”

Christ, the Key to Unity
Early Experiences of Church unity

Images of Unity
When Conflicts Arise

Unity in Faith
The Most Convincing Proof

Unity and Broken Relationships
Unity in Worship

Church Organization and Unity
Final Restoration of Unity

As the world around us becomes increasingly fragmented, the church must demonstrate that unity in diversity is attainable, that all are equal at the foot of the cross. God’s people are called to demonstrate the healing, reconciling power of the gospel. Such unity is beyond human accomplishment and can only be the result of the divine gift of grace.
It is a good book and you can read the first chapter for free on line – click here.

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