Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Christiana The New Amplified Pilgrim's Progress Part 2: A Review

If you have read Pilgrims Progress Part 1, the story of Christian traveling from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City you will have a good background for this sequel which is the story of Christiana, Christian’s wife, making the same journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City.

It is very fascinating how John Bunyan author of these two books takes us on a journey along the narrow way through the “wicket gate.” As you read this book, you will meet characters good and bad: Mr. Sagacity, Mercy, the Gate Keeper, Snake-eyes, Help, the Interpreter, Innocent, Old-honest and many more.

As a parable that echoes the magical realism of Alice in Wonderland, Christiana ranks up there with the best classic fairy tales. The language adaptation by Jim Pappas, Jr. is easy to read while retaining an Old World quality reminiscent of the King James era. Filled with illustrations, Pilgrim’s Progress Part 2: Christiana is an excellent means of introducing the faith to young children as well as new believers with a love for fantastical folktales.
I was inspired in reading this book. For more information and  to order on line please click here .

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