Thursday, November 8, 2018

Devotionals for 2019: Recommended titles:

As usual, the Pacific Press is promoting a selection of Devotionals books and this time especially for 2019. Follow the link below for more information on the devotional books and you’ll see links for each book you can follow to take you to a page with specific information on the particular book you’re interested in reading more about. The link for each book brings up the first chapter of the book you follow its link and you’ll be able to read it on line, except for a couple or so that do not have this feature available. However, for the ones that have the links you can read the first chapter, doing so will help in making an educated decision on which devotionals to order for yourself and possibly for gifts for friends and family members.

Adult Devotional--- Authentic—by Shawn Boonstra

Adult Evening Devotional—God’s Amazing Grace—by Ellen G. White
Women—In His Presence—This one is edited by Carolyn Rathbun Sutton and is written by many different women especially for women.

Young Adult—Conviction – by Troy Fitzgerald
Junior/Earliteen—Sensational “Quotational “ Devotional—by Kim Peckham

Primary—God’s Amazing Creation—by Vicki Redden, Joelle Reed Yamada, and Dee Litten Reed
Preschool—Little Hearts for Jesus—by Sally Pierson Dillon

These are all excellent Devotionals. A Daily Devotional is a wonderful way to nurture one’s relationship with God.

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