Thursday, November 8, 2018

Incredible Answers to Prayer: A Review

Roger Morneau, author of this incredible.  Book was a man of incredible faith. When he prayed things happened. And it was exciting!

It was five degrees below zero, and Roger Morneau was out of gas. If his toes froze, they would have to be amputated. The man bowed his head in prayer. “It was almost as if something hit the back of my automobile and it shot forward,” he says. “Then the motor started to accelerate and hummed like never before” He drove the 27 miles to safety without a drop of gas!

This is only one of hundreds of miracles Roger Morneau has witnessed. Some saved him from an early death. But most were in response to prayers for others. People dying in a hospital get well. A man pronounced dead by his doctor lives. A woman’s shattered relationship is suddenly filled with love and acceptance.  Another man’s life and business turn around within days.
I really enjoyed rereading this book recently. I like the personal relationship that Roger
Morneau practiced in his prayer life with God. I love how Roger Morneau referred to God as “the great Monarch of the galaxies.” Roger knew that when he prayed he was talking with Someone who could make things happen.
I would like to encourage you to click here  and learn more about this book and either order on line or find a book store that has a copy in stock. To locate a book store near you call 1-800-765-6955.

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