Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Christmas in My Heart #27: A Review

Can  you believe for 27 years now Joe Wheeler has been producing a new volume of wonderful Christmas Stories?  #27 just  came off the press this season.

I have finished reading it and can enthusiastically say it is one of the very best collections of stories that Joe Wheeler has compiled and edited.
In case you are not acquainted with Joe Wheeler, here is a link to an article recently written  about him that gives a lot of fascinating details about what Joe has done with his “Story Ministry:”

Christmas in My Heart # 27

Dr James Dobson, Founder, of Focus on the Family says “Joe Wheeler is America’s Keeper of the Story.”
There are 15 stories in this latest book  and as in the case of most of the Christmas in My Heart books the last one is written by Joe Wheeler himself. 
The Stories are all good and are all value based.
Youi can read the first story from this book by clicking on this link and also you can order the book on line or else purchase a copy at  a book store. To find a book store near you   that carries Joe Wheeler’s books call 1-800-765-6955.

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